ChessCraft in Universities?

Published on 2019-03-29 by Stuart Spence

There is a possibility that ChessCraft will be used to teach artificial intelligence in a university course! My commandline interface already supports round robin tournaments, and a professor expressed some interest today. It occurred to me that if I prepare a package, lots of AI professors could use it. And …


Outpost Bureaucracy: The Power of One is Strong

Published on 2015-08-29 by Stuart Spence

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What's the longest journey you've ever taken through university bureaucracy? Mine is probably longer. After five months of appeals, I'm finally able to register at Concordia as a McGill student for an equivalent course. Just like the comic above - I was arbitrarily denied for no good reason after getting approval …


These McGill Survey Results Will Make You Giggle

Published on 2015-03-24 by Stuart Spence

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Prepare to be amused and blown away. If you're a university student you may think your department is bad, but McGill's education department is worse. For several years now McGill education students report having the most boring, most random, most tuition-wasting, and most impossible-to-fail courses. This makes me really sad …


Mike Shortt Reports: Methodology

Published on 2015-03-24 by Stuart Spence

This post gives more details on the surveys and methodology, if you're interested. I decided it was too boring for a general audience so I cut it out of my original post. But you are an eager beaver! So here you go. And feel free to send me a message …


The Dean of Education's Response to my Feedback and Blog

Published on 2015-03-17 by Stuart Spence

I recently got an email from the dean of education. Essentially he says that I'm annoying:

Dear Mr. Spencer

It has come to my attention that you have written repeatedly to our Associate Dean, among others across the university, about technology issues in the Faculty of Education, and also about …


Nomination for Worst Professor

Published on 2015-02-25 by Stuart Spence

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In my previous post I talked about the McGill education students that cannot calculate an average, but I glossed over talking about the lecturer for that course. We've all heard about bad professors, but I have proof this professor was beyond merely bad. This story also includes what happened when …


Many McGill Education Students Cannot Calculate an Average

Published on 2015-02-19 by Stuart Spence

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This is a story about McGill education students that cannot calculate an average, and the professor who admitted he didn't care. Finally, I explain why this is important.

I hope that by telling this embarrassing story I will contribute to raising the standards at McGill and for Quebec teacher certification …