Mike Shortt Reports: Methodology

Published on 2015-03-24 by Stuart Spence

This post gives more details on the surveys and methodology, if you're interested. I decided it was too boring for a general audience so I cut it out of my original post. But you are an eager beaver! So here you go. And feel free to send me a message …


Why Do For-Profit Companies Give Software to Schools?

Published on 2015-03-07 by Stuart Spence

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Have you ever noticed that for-profit companies often advertise free or cheap software licenses to students, teachers, and schools?

Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, and countless others all offer deals on their software and services to schools. Why do they do that?

This post is written for educators, not tech experts …


Things McGill Education Students Don't Know

Published on 2015-01-27 by Stuart Spence

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Is this a real exam, or a fiction fabricated by someone frustrated with the bachelor of education program? You decide.

More seriously, here are some details if you're interested. The parody exam spawned from my frustration that McGill university in Montreal (which is supposedly one of Canada's top schools …


The Silly QEP

Published on 2015-01-22 by Stuart Spence

Briefly: The Quebec Education Plan (QEP) is a bloated 517 page document filled with ambiguous crap and buzzwords. Education professors in Quebec seem to be coerced by some mystical force to include the QEP in their university courses. But each new time I'm forced to analyze, my criticisms of it …